Phase II Soil and Groundwater Investigations

Phase II Soil and Groundwater Investigations

Evaluate subsurface conditions for environmental concerns liabilities associated with the transaction dictate further action, a Phase II investigation is needed. The purpose of this investigation is to obtain a better understanding of the potential environmental liabilities for the property and the financial impacts of such liabilities. This is usually accomplished by field sampling and analytical laboratory testing of air, soil, groundwater, and/or site building materials to assess the presence and extent of hazardous chemicals that are suspected or have been identified during the Phase I assessment. Some hazardous materials identified at a property may be effectively maintained in place under the provisions of an Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M).

To accomplish this, ESI provides the following services:

  • Phase II Sampling and Subsurface Investigations
  • Soil Vapor Survey
  • Radon Survey
  • Comprehensive/Limited Asbestos Survey
  • Comprehensive/Limited Lead-Based Paint Survey
  • Operations & Maintenance Plans (Asbestos/Lead-Based Paint)
  • AHERA Asbestos Building Inspection and Management Plan Development